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This work has been performed in the framework of the HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022 project TIMES, cofunded by the European Union.  Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. 


White Paper

Investigating the WSSUS Assumption in 300 GHz Time-Variant Channels in Industrial Environments, Varvara V. ELESINA, Carla E. REINHARDT, Lennart THIELECKE, Tobias DOEKER, Thomas KÜRNER


Scientific Publications

On this page, you can find all the scientific publications (papers, reports…) produced by the consortium to promote and explain the project research.


Type of contributionTargetTitleAuthor(s) 
enter the authors separated by a comma
name of conference, workshop, journal, magazine,...
YearWPLeading Partner
PaperScientificAdapt and Aggregate: Adaptive OFDM Numerology and Carrier Aggregation for High Data Rate Terahertz CommunicationsLutfi Samara , Tommaso Zugno, Mate Boban , Senior Member, IEEE, Malte Schellmann , and Thomas KürnerIEEE JSTSP2023WP4HWDU
PaperScientificCharacterization of Propagation in an Industrial Scenario from Sub-6 GHz to 300 GHzDiego Dupleich; Alexander Ebert; Yanneck Völker-Schöneberg; Damir Sitdikov; Mate Boban; Lutfi Samara; Giovanni Del Galdo; Reiner ThomäIEEE GLOBECOM 20232023WP3HWDU
PaperScientificLoS MIMO-Arrays vs. LoS MIMO-SurfacesMarco Di Renzo, Davide Dardari, and Nicolo` DecarliEuCap 20232023WP4CNIT
PaperScientificMetaprism-aided NLOS Target LocalizationMarina Lotti and  Davide DardariEusipco 20232023WP4CNIT
PaperScientificRadio SLAM for 6G Systems at THz Frequencies: Design and Experimental ValidationM. Lotti, G. Pasolini, A. Guerra, F. Guidi, R. D’Errico, and D. DardariIEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING2023WP4CNIT
Invited TalkScientificReconfigurable Electromagnetic Environments: A Signal Processing ApproachDavide Dardariproc. of ICEAA - International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 9-13 October 2023, Venice, Italy2023WP4CNIT
PaperScientificTerahertz Communications for Industrial Manufacturing: a Use Case AnalysisTommaso Zugno, Lutfi Samara, Mate Boban, Per Hjalmar Lehne, Thomas KurnerIEEE CSCN 20232023WP2HWDU
PaperScientificChannel Measurements in an Industrial Environment for Access Point-to-Sensor Communication at 300 GHzCarla E. Reinhardt, Varvara V. Elesina, Johannes M. Eckhardt, Tobias Doeker, Lucas C. Ribeiro, Thomas Kürner German Microwave Conference (GeMIC 2024)2024WP3TUBS
PaperScientificChannel Measurements in Workspace with Robotic
Manipulators at 300 GHz and Recent Results
Varvara V. Elesina, Carla E. Reinhardt, Thomas Kürner 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2024)2024WP3TUBS
PaperScientificCharacterization of Propagation from Measurements at sub-THz for ISAC Applications in an Emulated Dynamic Industrial ScenarioDiego Dupleich , Alexander Ebert, Yanneck Völker-Schöneberg, Damir Sitdikov, Mate Boban,
Giovanni Del Galdo, and Reiner Thomä
18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2024)2024WP3HWDU
PaperScientificDirect Clustering and Multi-Path Component Identification on THz Channel Measurements in a Factory EnvironmentMengfan Wu, Tommaso Zugno, Mate Boban, Falko Dressler18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2024)2024WP3HWDU
PaperScientificHighly-Compact 20-mW, 270--320-GHz InGaAs mHEMT Power Amplifier MMIC Laurenz John, Axel Tessmann, Sandrine Wagner, Arnulf LeutherInternational Microwave Symposium (IMS) 20242024WP5FRAUNHOFER
PaperScientificNLOS Localization Exploiting Frequency-selective MetasurfacesM. Lotti, G. Calesini, D. DardariIEEE ICC 2024 2nd Workshop on Near-Field Communications, Localization, and Sensing, Denver, US2024WP4CNIT
PaperScientificRay Tracing and Measurement-Based Characterization of Inter/Intra-Machine THz Wireless ChannelsSteffen Pahlke, Tommaso Zugno, Mate Boban,   Diego Dupleich, Thomas Kürner 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2024)2024WP4TUBS
PaperScientificRIS-Empowered Near-Field Imaging in NLOS ScenariosGiulia Torcolacci, Anna Guerra, Haiyang Zhang,   Francesco Guidi, Qianyu Yang, Yonina C. Eldar, Davide DardariIEEE ICC 2024 2nd Workshop on Near-Field Communications, Localization, and Sensing, Denver, US2024WP4CNIT
PaperScientificThe integrated sensing and communication revolution for 6G: vision, technologies, and applicationsNuria Gonzalez-Prelcic, Musa Furkan Keskin, Ossi Kaltiokallio, Mikko Valkama, Davide Dardari, Xiao Shen, Yuan Shen,   Murat Bayraktar, and Henk WymeerschProc. of the IEEE2024WP4CNIT
Invited TalkScientificPredicting the dynamic radio maps with learning-based methodsMate BobanWorkshop on Radio Maps and Their Applications (RMA) at ICASSP 20242024WP3HWDU
Conference PaperScientificTowards System-Level Modeling of Broadband Sub-THz Amplifiers for Wireless CommunicationSimon Haussmann, Dominik Wrana, Lutfi Samara, Tommaso Zugno, Ingmar Kallfassaccepted for RWW20252025WP4USTUTT
Conference PaperScientificChannel Aggregation in THz Communication: Linearity Considerations in Full Electronic SystemSimon Haussmann, Dominik Wrana, Axel Tessmann, Ingmar KallfassIRMMW20242024WP5/WP6USTUTT
Conference PaperScientificA High-Pass Distributed Amplifier Operating from 215GHz – 315GHz in a 35nm InGaAs mHEMT TechnologyLukas Gebert, Benjamin Schoch, Dominik Wrana, Thomas Ufschlag, Simon Haussmann, Axel Tessmann, Sandrine Wagner, Ingmar KallfassEuMIC-20242024WP5USTUTT
White paperScintificInvestigating the WSSUS Assumption in 300 GHz Time-Variant Channels in Industrial EnvironmentsVarvara Elesina, Carla E. Reinhardt, Lennart Thielecke, Tobias Doeker, Thomas KürnerIEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology 2024WP3TUBS